The bodice is an antique that I will be re-draping in the gold silk of the skirt and I detached the lace lapes and washed them. The solution I used was to take a 1/2 gallon ball jar and add 1 cup of peroxide and 2 Tablespoons of castille soap (I like Dr. Bronners but I don't think the brand matters) Then add about a cup or so of filtered water (there should be room for the lace to slosh around) Then add the lace, slosh around gently and let it sit. My lace only sat for about an hour, then I rinsed in it cold water carefully laid it out on a hand towel and roll the towel up until the lace dries. I did not take paictures of this part but next time I need to clean some old lace I will.
Please excuse my wrinkles this fabric needs to be steamed and does not care for the touch of an iron and I was just being too lazy to drag out the steamer today. However I am super happy with the shape so far.
I may add a long looped ribbon of gold silk for some added intrest and I may add some lace to the bottom of the lace to set it off.
I was insprired by the buttons on this skirt
and the overall shape should end up something like these dresses. The year I am going for is 1911-1912.
Well thats all for today. With some luck I will cobble together some time this week to do all the hemming and finishing on the skirt...then I can tackle the bodice.