Corsets can be tied with one, two or even three laces. I use one lace and get good results. I wear corsets as foundation pieces for historical costuming. I don't tight lace, that is generally where two or three laces are found.
So, from the top...
Start with your lace at the top of the corset, the center of the lace starts under the corset, and the ends come out through the first grommet.
Then much like shoe laces you cross over and lace through the second grommet.
At this point you could continue laceing like a shoe. However, after the lace is centered and anchored with the top two grommets I like to lace one stide of the string skipping every other grommet as seen here. Stop at the top of the waist. To do this simply note which two grommets are placed at the smallest part of the waist. Depending on the corset this may be below the middle of the grommets. The loops used to adjust the corset will be made here.
Next lace down the other side picking up all the grommets you just skipped and stop at the top of the waist.
Make your loops. To do this I generally pull the string out to the front edge of the corset then bring it back in to the grommets and place the string through the next grommet on the same side you are already on. These loops can be adjusted up and down to snug the fit of the corset once on as needed.
Note the lace goes out and comes in on the same side for the loop and your laces are now coming out from under the corset.
Cross the string so that the "shoe lacing" pattern can begin again.
Bring each lace end out through the next grommet.
Lace down to the bottom of the corset on one side skipping every other grommet again.
Lace through with the second lace end picking up all the grommets you just skipped.
Tie your laces off. I like to tie mine at a grommet on the outside of the corset. This is below the waist where, in costume, there is a great deal of volume and the knot will not break the line of your clothing. The knot being on a grommet and between two bones will also not dig into your body, this will be very much a boon after a long day in costume.
And that is how I lace a corset. This is again a simple and common method that I feel does the job of securing a corset and allowing adjustments well. I hope this reference will come in handy.
Yaaahoooooo!!! (ahem...pardon me...) Great blog post my friend!!! Love the black laces by the way....too fun!!